Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life is an Adventure

Okay, Yeah, haven't blogged in a while, but had had had to share this...(and thanks to my friend, Trevor...i'm gonna blog it...)
So, this morning I wake up feeling horrible...head cold type stuff. I'm running late for work, and on my way to drop mom off, we run into some heavy traffic due to an accident. Genius that my mom is decides we should go through a subdivision to go around it. We wind up back-tracking because she had us going in circles through the subdivision. We finally get to a place that we both recoginze (which happened to be in the OPPOSITE direction in which we wanted to go). When we get to the place to turn onto the main highway, we get stuck behind a bus and a train comes through. Nice. If that isn't all, when we get to the road her job is on, we decide since we are already late, we are going to stop at McDonalds because by this time, I NEED ANOTHER CUP OF COFFEE!!!! :) We drive in and all of Slidell had the same idea. The line was backed up almost to the road on the other side of the drive-thru window. We wait because bless God, I'm getting my coffee or SOMEBODY is gonna get hurt! :)
Needless to say, it took us 45 minutes to make a 7 minute trip to work...
It's amazing to me how God can take an ordinary blah day and make it interesting. No, the wreck wasn't a good thing, but i believe that God uses circumstances that happen in our lives to just show off His sense of humor. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I still feel bad, but my outlook on the day is better. Simply because my mom gets us lost in a subdivision on the way to work...