Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Attack" Mode

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; II Corinthians 10:5This scripture came to my mind a few minutes ago. It has always been a great scripture to help me stay focused on what's truly going on. Our church has called a 21-day Daniel Fast. So, when you are doing something right, the devil thinks he has to counter it.It's so easy to fight something you can see, but the mind is where a lot of us get into trouble. We can tell ourselves that we are not going to watch a certain thing, go a certain place, do a certain thing, but when our minds get idle, we are open to the attack on our confidence in God, our faith in who He is, our confidence in our fellow christians and friends. He tends to bombard us by speaking into our minds that we will never get out of situations, that it will always be the same thing all the time, nothing can ever change for us. He will deceive and discourage us to the point that we want to quit.....The defense: Pray and GET INTO THE WORD! When we get into the Word, we understand the character of God. Who He is and His Will for our lives. God is not the author of confusion. We CAN be like David and "encourage ourselves in the Lord" (I Samuel 30:6). The more we know God, the better capable we are to fight our enemies. I heard Bro. Scisco say one time, "SO many people try to understand their adversary so they can counter his attacks, but the truth is, the more we know God, the better capable we are to fight our adversary." We understand the things that bombards our minds and that they go against everything we KNOW about God. It's great when we FEEL God, but when the high wears off...we must rely on what we KNOW!Know God. Be mindful of what goes into your mind and CAST AWAY THE JUNK! Defend Yourself...Call the Devil down and like Jesus and quote the Word back to him.

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