Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Believe I'll Testify

So, I have noticed in my bible reading of late that when God commanded His Children to go to war with praise and worship, the most commonly used phrase was "for his mercy endureth forever." I don't know about anyone else, but God has brought me through some things...This is my version of Psalm 136
1) Thank You Lord; you are good: your mercy endures forever.
2) You have proven yourself God to me: Your mercy endures forever.
3) You have looked beyond my shortcomings: your mercy endures forever
4)And made me Your child and heir: your mercy endures forever.
5)You have been my shelter and provision: your mercy endures forever
6)You have saved me from Hell: your mercy endures forever.
7)You have saved me from myself: your mercy endures forever.
8)You have bound up my wounds: your mercy endures forever.
9) You have healed my hurts and sickness: your mercy endures forever.
10) You have looked beyond the mask of "I'm just going through the motions:" your mercy endures forever
11) And interrupted church services to strip me of that mask: your mercy endures forever.
12)You have broken me in pieces: your mercy endures forever
13) So you could make me more than what I had become: your mercy endures forever.
14) You have tried me in the fire: your mercy endures forever
15) So I could become an usable vessel: your mercy endures forever.
16)You were my companion in my lonely times: your mercy endures forever.
17)You have taught my hands to war: your mercy endures forever.
18) You have given me peace and joy beyond understanding: your mercy endures forever.
19) You have taught me to praise and worship in ALL things: your mercy endures forever.
20) You have become my strength in weakness: your mercy endures forever.
21) You have been my refuge in the storms: your mercy endures forever.
22) You have taught me that You alone validate me: your mercy endures forever.
23) You have proven that through You nothing is impossible: your mercy endures forever.
24)You have been the friend I could ALWAYS count on: your mercy endures forever.
25) You have taught me that Your Word NEVER fails: your mercy endures forever.

I'm sure many if not all of you can relate! There's no testimony without a test! Hang in there! HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER!

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