Friday, June 19, 2009

Not worth a penny...

So, This past week has been interesting to say the least. :)
I have learned a lot, met new people, and set some goals in my life and in my ministry.
The commandment of "seek ye first the Kingdom" has been my lesson of late. There are some things I have been asked to take on, give up, or ponder on. It is an experience. I'm learning also the significance of the answer, "wait." You know, I've always heard that God will keep putting you through tests until you pass them. YEA! For me... I guess that's what I get for being so stinking Hard-headed. :)
Okay, so my genius plan is this:
1) do what God says...OBVIOUSLY, then maybe I can stay out of "trouble" :)
2) Get into the Word more. STUDY, not just read it.
3) Be mindful of what I listen to, watch, and SPEAK... Did you know that you can abort the prophetic destiny in your life if you speak things that are contrary to the promises God has given you? (That was courtesy of the book I'm reading called, Step Into Divine Destiny by Dr. Patricia Bailey.)
4) Be VERY VERY careful about who speaks into my life.
5) Work on my ministry strengths. I teach Dramatic Sign Language, so I'm developing a strategy to get my team more motivated and am on the lookout for more material.

On a more carnal note:
I have this SERIOUS addiction to coffee...trying my best to go from taking it intravenously to just 2 cups a day... :) it really is that bad. LOL
Trying to read more...just bought the new Terry Blackstock book (I own almost all of them). and waiting on Dee Henderson to come out with a new one...anytime, now sister! I mean, really how long does it take to write a book anyways....ugh.
Just trying to get through this's so slow at work...I could think of about 10 million other things I could be doing right sitting by the pool at Susan's (my best pal and co-worker)... :) or shopping with Eva...
Who knows....
Above and Beyond...I am Blessed Beyond Measure!

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